Your taste is your design superpower
So what’s the secret sauce behind our glow up? Developing our taste. 🥟
Before we had taste, our work lacked flavour and we attracted projects that truthfully, weren’t a vibe. Taking design risks felt really scary so we stuck to tried and true fonts (hi Helvetica, hi DIN) and design styles that let us blend in.
After developing our taste and honing in on our unique blend of design genius, brands seek us out for our style and expertise. We charge a minimum of $15k per design project and work with bold creatives who are as obsessed with their craft as we are.
So what does having taste actually mean and how do you get it?
It’s simply knowing what you like and don’t like, being able to say it well and embodying your design preferences until they’re infused *deep* in your work.
🔥 Here’s an exercise:
Find two pieces of design and compare them. Which one do you like better and why? Get specific.
What is it about the visual language, colour and composition that feels striking, interesting or beautiful? Where do you feel it in your body? Or on the flipside, what is it about the piece that feels jarring, out of place or distasteful? Rinse and repeat for everything you see, hear, touch and taste.
When we articulate our taste and preferences, it goes something like this: We have a taste for using dreamy gradients and bold colour. We like playing with contrasting combinations of tones, shapes and type. We love investing in high end, custom fonts that have a distinctive, polished feel, that sets the tone of our work and the layout of our designs.
Developing your taste as a designer is a creative force multiplier. It’ll make your work better and allow you to niche into areas of expertise that light you up and enable you to charge what you’re worth.
🌶️ While you’re here, raid our Spice Cabinet to develop your taste further. Get instant access to our top font foundries, tools and resources we use every day at our studio. Link in bio.